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Revistas do 1º e 2º quartil
- Andrea-Silva Jenny, Fernanda Cosme, Luís Filipe-Ribeiro; Ana S. P. Moreira, Aureliano C. Malheiro, Manuel A. Coimbra, M. Rosário M. Domingues, Fernando M. Nunes. (2014) Origin of the Pinking Phenomenon of White Wines. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, 62(24):5651- 5659.
- Cardoso M. C., M. Fernandes, L. C. Rodrigues, R. Leones, M. M. Silva, V. de Zea Bermudez; Quasi-anhydrous proton conducting di-ureasil hybrid electrolytes incorporating a protic ionic liquid. ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 147 (2014) 288-293
- Chen X., S.A.C. Carabineiro, S.S.T. Bastos, P.B. Tavares, J.J.M. Órfão, M.F.R. Pereira, J.L. Figueiredo, Catalytic oxidation of ethyl acetate on cerium-containing mixed oxides, APPLIED CATALYSIS A, GENERAL 472 (2014) 101–112.
- Coelho, Carina, Miguel Ribeiro, Ana CS Cruz, M Rosário M Domingues, Manuel A Coimbra, Mirko Bunzel, Fernando M Nunes. (2014) Nature of Phenolic Compounds in Coffee Melanoidins. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, 62 (31), 7843-7853.
- Correia S. F. H., V. de Zea Bermudez, S . J. L. Ribeiro, P. S. André, R. A. S. Ferreira, L. D. Carlos. Luminescent solar concentrators: Challenges for lanthanide-based organic-inorganic hybrid materials, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 2 (2014) 5580-5596
- Dinis, LT; Correia, CM; Ferreira, HF; Goncalves, B; Goncalves, I; Coutinho JP; Ferreira, MI; Malheiro, AC; Moutinho-Pereira, J. Physiological and biochemical responses of Semillon and Muscat Blanc a Petits Grains winegrapes grown under Mediterranean climate. SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE 175 (2014) 128-138
- Gonçalves M. C., L. C. Rodrigues, M. M. Silva, R. A. Sá Ferreira,L. D. Carlos, J. Hümmer,V. de Zea Bermudez, Di-Urethanesil Hybrid Electrolytes Doped with Mg(CF3SO3)2. IONICS 20 (1) (2014) 29-36.
- Gonçalves, J.N.; Amaral, V.S.; Correia, J.G.; Lopes, A.M.L.; Araújo, J.P.; Tavares, P.B. (2014) Hyperfine local probe study of alkaline- earth manganites SrMnO3 and BaMnO3 J. PHYS.: CONDENS. MATTER 26, 215401 (12pp).
- Guise R., L. Filipe-Ribeiro, D. Nascimento, O. Bessa, F.M. Nunes, F. Cosme (2014) Comparison between different types of carboxylmethylcellulose and other oenological additives used for white wine tartaric stabilization. FOOD CHEMISTRY, 156:250–257.
- Fangueiro, D., Surgy, S., Napier, V., Menaia, J., Vasconcelos, E., Coutinho, J. 2014. Impact of slurry management strategies on potential leaching of nutrients and pathogens in soils amended with cattle slurry. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 146: 198-.205.
- Fangueiro D., Coutinho J., Borges L., Cabral F., Vasconcelos E. 2014. Nitrogen and carbon availability of liquid and solid fractions of pig slurry obtained using different separation technologies. BIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOIL, 50: 333–341;
- Faria, R; Santana, MM ; Aveleira, CA; Simoes, C ; Maciel, E ; Melo, T ; Santinha, D; Oliveira, MM Peixoto, F; Domingues, P; Cavadas, C; Domingues, MRM. (2014) Alterations in phospholipidomic profile in the brain of mouse model of depression induced by chronic unpredictable stress. NEUROSCIENCE. 273, 1-11.
- Fernandes L., Lucas M.S., Maldonado M.I., Oller I., Sampaio A. Treatment of pulp mill wastewater by Cryptococcus podzolicus and solar photo-Fenton. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 2014:245:158-165.
- Fernandes M., V. T. Freitas, S. Pereira, E. Fortunato, R A. S. Ferreira, L. D. Carlos, R. Rego, V. de Zea Bermudez; Green Li+- and Er3+-doped poly(epsilon-caprolactone)/siloxane biohybrid electrolytes for smart electrochromic windows. SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS, 123 (2014) 203-210. Key Scientific Article, Renewable Energy - Global Innovation
- Fraga I., Coutinho J., Bezerra R. M., Dias A. A., Marques G., Nunes F. M. (2014). Influence of culture medium growth variables on Ganoderma lucidum exopolysaccharides structural features. CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, 111, 936–946.
- Freitas, VT; Lima, PP; Ferreira, RAS; Carlos, LD; Pecoraro, E; Ribeiro, SJL; Bermudez, VD. Role of the reactive atmosphere during the sol-gel synthesis on the enhancing of the emission quantum yield of urea cross-linked tripodal siloxane-based hybrids. JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 70(2) 227-235
- Gopal S. Mishra a,*, Kelly Machado a, Anil Kumar. Highly selective n-alkanes oxidation to ketones with molecular oxygen catalyzed by SBA-15 supported rhenium catalysts, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, 20 (2014) 2228-2235.
- Leones R., M. Fernandes, F. Sentanin, I. Cesarino, J. F. Lima, V. de Zea Bermudez, A. Pawlicka, C.J. Magon, J.P. Donoso, M.M. Silva. Ionically conducting Er3+-doped DNA-based biomembranes for electrochromic devices. ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 120 (2014) 27-33
- Leones R., M. Fernandes, R. A. S. Ferreira, I. Cesarino, J. F. Lima, L.D. Carlos, V. de Zea Bermudez, C. J. Magon, J. P. Donoso, M. M. Silva, A. Pawlicka; Luminescent DNA- and Agar-Based Membranes. JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, 14 (2014) 6685-6691. Special Issue: Nanotechnology for Sensing
- Machado Kelly, Jaya Mishra, Shinzo Suzuki, Gopal S. Mishra. . Synthesis of superparamagnetic carbon nanotubes immobilized Pt and Pd pincer complexes: highly active and selective catalysts towards cyclohexane oxidation with dioxygen. DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 43 (2014) 17475–82
- Machado Kelly, Pedro B. Tavares, Cristina Freire, Gopal S. Mishra (2014) Single site anchored novel pentacoordinate Schiff-base Co(II) complexes over SBA-15 for selective oxidation (O2) of n-alkanes and kinetic study, POLYHEDRON, 69, 119–126,
- Machado Kelly, Pedro B. Tavares, Gopal S. Mishra (2014) Synthesis and application of FeIII, NiII and MnII complexes anchored to HMS as efficient catalysts for cycloalkane oxyfunctionalization. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A: CHEMICAL 383–384 (2014) 159–166.
- Monteiro-Cardoso, VF; Silva, AM; Oliveira, MM; Peixoto, F ; Videira, RA. Membrane lipid profile alterations are associated with the metabolic adaptation of the Caco-2 cells to aglycemic nutritional condition. 2014. JOURNAL OF BIOENERGETICS AND BIOMEMBRANES. 46(1),45-57.
- Mota, DA; Almeida, A; Rodrigues, VH; Costa, MMR; Tavares P; Bouvier, P; Guennou, M; Kreisel, J; Moreira, JA. Dynamic and structural properties of orthorhombic rare-earth manganites under high pressure. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 90, 054104.
- Mota D A, Y Romaguera Barcelay, A M R Senos, C M Fernandes, P B Tavares, I T Gomes, P Sá, L Fernandes, B G Almeida, F Figueiras, P Mirzadeh Vaghefi, V S Amaral, A Almeida, J Pérez de la Cruz and J Agostinho Moreira (2014) Unravelling the effect of SrTiO3 antiferrodistortive phase transition on the magnetic properties of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D: APPLIED PHYSICS 47, 435002
- Moreira, Ana S P; da Costa, Elisabete V; Evtuguin, Dmitry V; Coimbra, Manuel A; Nunes, Fernando M; Domingues, M Rosario M. (2014). Neutral and acidic products derived from hydroxyl radical-induced oxidation of arabinotriose assessed by electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry. JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY, 49:280-90.
- Moreira Ana S. P., Joana Simões, Andreia T. Pereira, Cláudia P. Passos, Fernando M. Nunes, M. Rosário M. Domingues, Manuel A. Coimbra. (2014). Transglycosylation reactions between galactomannans and arabinogalactans during dry thermal treatment. CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, 112, 48–55.
- Nunes S. C., V. T. Freitas, R. A. S. Ferreira, L. D. Carlos, P. Almeida, V. de Zea Bermudez; Lamellar mono-amidosil hybrids doped with Rhodamine (B) methyl ester perchlorate. JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2014, 72, 239-251
- Nunes S. C., C. B. Ferreira, R. A. S. Ferreira, L. D. Carlos, M. C. Ferro, J. F. Mano, P. Almeida, V. de Zea Bermudez; Fractality and Metastability of a Complex Amide Cross-linked Dipodal Alkyl/Siloxane Hybrid. RSC ADVANCES, 4 (2014) 59664-59675
- Pacheco, F.A.L., Varandas, S.G.P., Sanches Fernandes, L.F., & Valle Junior, R.F. (2014). Soil losses in rural watersheds with environmental land use conflicts. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 485–486C, 110–120.
- Pacheco, F.A.L., & Van der Weijden, C.H., (2014). Modeling rock weathering in small watersheds. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY 513C, 13–27.
- Pacheco, F.A.L., & Van der Weijden, C.H., (2014). Role of hydraulic diffusivity in the decrease of weathering rates over time. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 512, p. 87–106.
- Passos Cláudia P., Márcio R. Cepeda, Sónia S. Ferreira, Fernando M. Nunes, Dmitry V. Evtuguin, Pedro Madureira, Manuel Vilanova, Manuel A. Coimbra. (2014). Influence of molecular weight on in vitro immunostimulatory properties of instant coffee. FOOD CHEMISTRY, 161, 60–66.
- Rebelo M. J., C. Sousa, P. Valentão, R. Rego, P. B. Andrade, Phenolic profile of Douro wines and evaluation of their
NO scavenging capacity in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages, FOOD CHEMISTRY 163 (2014) 16-22;
- Romaguera-Barcelay Y., J. Agostinho Moreira, A. Almeida, P. B. Tavares, J. Pérez de la Cruz. (2014) Structural, electrical and magnetic properties of magnetoelectric GdMnO3 thin films prepared by sol-gel method. THIN SOLID FILMS 564, p. 419–425,
- Ribeiro T., C. Fernandes, F.M. Nunes, L. Filipe-Ribeiro, F. Cosme (2014) Influence of the structural features of commercial mannoproteins in white wine protein stabilization and chemical and sensory properties. FOOD CHEMISTRY, 159, 47-54.
- Santos, R.M.B., Sanches Fernandes, L.F., Moura, J.P., Pereira, M.G., & Pacheco F.A.L. (2014). The impact of climate change, human interference, scale and modeling uncertainties on the estimation of aquifer properties and river flow components. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, v. 519, p. 1297–1314.
- Santos, C.; Lucas, M.S.; Dias, A.A.; Bezerra, R.M.F.; Peres J.A.; Sampaio, A.; Winery wastewater treatment by combination of Cryptococcus laurentii and Fenton's reagent, CHEMOSPHERE, 117, 53-58 (2014).
- Santos SM, Dinis AM, Peixoto F, Ferreira L, Jurado AS, Videira R.A. (2014). Interaction of fullerene nanoparticles with biomembranes: from the partition in lipid membranes to effects on mitochondrial bioenergetics. Toxicol Sci. 138(1):117-29.
- Santos S.M.A., Videira R.A., Fernandes M.A.S., Santos M.S., Moreno A.J.M., Vicente J.A.F., Jurado A.S. (2014). Toxicity of the herbicide linuron as assessed by bacterial and mitochondrial model systems. Toxicology in Vitro. 28(5):932-939.
- Silva-Carvalho R.; Vera Miranda-Gonçalves; Ana Margarida Ferreira; Susana M. Cardoso; Abílio J.F.N. Sobral; Cristina Almeida-Aguiar; Fátima Baltazar,“Antitumoural and antiangiogenic activity of Portuguese propolis in in vitro and in vivo models”, JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS 11 (2014) 160–171.
- Sousa, Céu M., Jerome Berthet, Stephanie Delbaere and Paulo J. Coelho. Acid-Catalyzed Domino Reactions of Tetraarylbut-2-yne-1,4-diols. Synthesis of Conjugated Indenes and Inden-2-ones, JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 2014, 79 (12), 5781-5786.
- Simões Joana, Élia Maricato, Fernando M. Nunes, M. Rosário Domingues, Manuel A. Coimbra (2014) Thermal stability of spent coffee ground polysaccharides: galactomannans and arabinogalactans. CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, 101, 256-264.
- Salomé Sónia, Rosa Rego, Amaia Querejeta, Francisco Alcaide, M. Cristina Oliveira, Progress on the development of uniform distributed Pd electroless based catalysts on MEA for PEMFC application, J SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEM (2014) 18:2721–2729
- Valle Junior, R.F., Varandas, S.G.P., Sanches Fernandes, L.F., & Pacheco, F.A.L. (2014). Environmental land use conflicts: A threat to soil conservation. LAND USE POLICY, 41, 172–185.
- Valle Junior, R.F., Varandas, S.G.P., Sanches Fernandes, L.F., & Pacheco, F.A.L. (2014). Groundwater quality in rural watersheds with environmental land use conflicts. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 493, 812–827.
- Vicente C.M.S., P.P. Lima, V. de Zea Bermudez, L.D. Carlos, P.S. André, R. A. S. Ferreira. Fabrication of low-cost thermo-optic variable wave plate based on waveguides patterned on di-ureasil hybrids. OPTICS EXPRESS, 22 (2014) 27159-27168
- Vilela M. F., D. Ananias, P. Silva, M. Nolasco, L. D. Carlos, V. de Zea Bermudez, João Rocha, J. Tomé, F. A. Almeida Paz. (2014) Coordination Polymers Based on a Glycine-Derivative Ligand. CRYSTENGCOMM, 16 (35) 8119-8137.
Revistas do 3º e 4º Quartis
- Brito, L.M., Mourão, I., Coutinho, J. 2014. Compostagem de biomassa de acácia com casca de pinheiro. REVISTA DE CIÊNCIAS AGRÁRIAS, 37: 59-68.
- Coutinho JP; Lima-Brito, J.Genetic diversity assessment and estimation of phylogenetic relationships among 26 Fagaceae species using ISSRs. BIOCHEMICAL SYSTEMATICS AND ECOLOGY 54 (2014) 247-256
- Graça V. C., M. S. Silva, L. V. Reis, F. Sousa, P. Almeida, J. A. Queiroz, P. F. Santos; Ethylenediamine-Derived Chromatographic Ligand to Separate BSA, Lysozyme, and RNase A; CHROMATOGRAPHIA 2014, 77, 1529–1537
- Henriques, A; Arantes-Rodrigues, R; Faustino-Rocha, AI; Teixeira-Guedes, CI; Pinho-Oliveira, J; Talhada, D; Teixeira, JH; Andrade, A; Colaco, B; Paiva-Cardoso, MN; Pires, MJ; Ferreira, AMVD; Nunes, FM; Oliveira, PA. The effects of whole green tea infusion on mouse urinary bladder chemical carcinogenesis. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES 17 (2), 145-148.
- Fernandes M., F. A. Almeida Paz, J. F. Mano, V. de Zea Bermudez. Investigation of Calcium Carbonate Precipitated in the Presence of Alkanols. CRYSTAL RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY, 49 (2014) 18–430
- Fernandes, L.F.S, Cardoso, L.V.R.Q, Pacheco, F.A.L., Moura, J.P. (2014). DRASTIC and GOD vulnerability maps of the Cabril river basin, Portugal. REVISTA ESCOLA DE MINAS, 67(2), 133–142.
- Goufo P, V Falco, C Brites, DF Wessel, S Kratz, E Rosa, C Carranca, H Trindade, 2014. Effect of elevated carbon dioxide concentration on rice quality: nutritive value, color, milling and cooking/eating qualities. CEREAL CHEMISTRY 91(5): 513-521
- Mota D. A., Y. Romaguera-Barcelay, A. Tkach, J. Pérez de la Cruz, P. M. Vilarinho, P. B. Tavares, J. Agostinho Moreira & A. Almeida (2014) Tackling Polar Response in Oxygen Deficient KTaO3 thin films, FERROELECTRICS, 465:1, 44-53
- Rodrigues Miguel AM, Ana L Lourenço, John W Cone, Fernando M Nunes, Ana S Santos, José MM Cordeiro, Cristina MV Guedes, Luis MM Ferreira. (2014) Evaluation of the nutritive value of muiumba (Baikiaea plurijuga) seeds: chemical composition, in vitro organic matter digestibility and in vitro gas production, SPRINGERPLUS, 3, 311 (ainda não tem IF)
- Ribeiro J L, L G Vieira, O Santo, and P B Tavares. (2014) v. VIBRATIONAL SPECTROCOPY 70, pp. 18-27,
- Santos, NP; Colaco, A; da Costa, RMG; Oliveira, MM; Peixoto, F; Oliveira, PA. N-diethylnitrosamine mouse hepatotoxicity: Time-related effects on histology and oxidative stress. EXPERIMENTAL AND TOXICOLOGIC PATHOLOGY, 2014. 66(9-10), 429-436.