Improving Mediterranean supply chain through innovative agro-food business to strengthen small-scale farmers competitiveness, using prickly pear and fig as case study.

InovFarmer.MED - PRIMA Project (Section 2 Call multi-topics 2021) 2021-2024. IPViseu (total fund: 130.000€) António M. Jordão (participant)


Innovative concepts and technologies for ECOlogically sustainable NUTRIent management in agriculture aiming to prevent, mitigate and eliminate pollution in soils, water and air/ECONUTRI

Grant agreement ID: 101081858. HORIZON Innovation Actions. 2022-2026. € 5 979 716,25 João Coutinho


Advanced adsorption-oxidation technologies for the removal of emerging contaminants from wastewater by 3D-structured carbon-materials (CATAD3.0)

2021-2024. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Espanha). Proyectos I+D+i 2020. (Total: 230.200€ / Verba UTAD: 15.600€). J. Alcides Peres


HEI-ETEIA – Energy Transition Entrepreneurs in Action - developing a supportive academic environment for the young talents Reference

Project Number 10036. 2021- 2023. Funding by: EU (UTAD fund: 390.000,00€; Total fund: 1.200.000,00€): Ana Briga Sá, Rosa Rego, Mariana Fernandes, Verónica Bermudez, Maria Antunes, Maria Cristina Oliveira, Pedro Tavares, José Ramiro Fernandes.


MINECO - New Eco-Innovative Materials for Mining Infra

ERA-MIN Joint Call 2018 – ID16 | Tapojarvi, UTAD, UMinho | Nuno Cristelo, Pedro Tavares, Ramiro Fernandes | 2020-2023 | 1.285.861 € (global) | 75.125 € (CQVR).


ENTIRE- Analysis of the impacts of tailings in dam breaks for a restored aquatic environment

UTAD, Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (IFTM) e a Universidade Estadual paulista (UNESP). 752.735 EUR. (UTAD 546.875 EUR F. Pacheco).2020-2023


ECO-GATE: European COrridors for natural GAs Transport Efficiency.

Programa Horizonte 2020. 2020-2023. UTAD - 411.192,00€. Coordenador UTAD: Amadeu Borges.


MERGO (Mooc in Enology aimed at Reinforcing competences applying Game based approach and Olfactive learning for the wine tasting.

IT02 Agenzia Nazionale Erasmus+ - INDIRE; KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for higher education. 2020-2023. Fernando M. Nunes, Fernanda Cosme, Luis Filipe Ribeiro


Circular2B – Construção circular em edifícios modulares e energeticamente eficientes.

FEUP | UTAD | IFIMUP | Empresa DreamDomus | Empresa SINTEF (Noruega) | Nuno Cristelo| Ana Briga Sá| Pedro Tavares| Ramiro Fernandes| 2020-2022| UTAD 119 945€


Espaço T3

POCTEP. Transferência Tecnológica Transfronteiriça | Fernando M. Nunes | 2015 – 2020 | 642921 € CQVR: 72442 €.


Erasmus+ Programme

Key Action 1 - Mobility for Learners and Staff (Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility) Period: 2019/2020-2020-2021; Saint Petersburg National Research, University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO University), UTAD: Verónica de Zea Bermudez


Erasmus+ Programme

Key Action 1 - Mobility for Learners and Staff (Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility); Period: 2017/2018-2020-2021; University of Potsdam – UTAD.  Verónica de Zea Bermudez.


Sabor Sur-Laboratório de inovação empresarial dos mercados transfronteiriços agroalimentar e hotelaria

POCTEP | 0254_sabor_sur_6_E | 1.210.319€ | Ayuntamiento de la Palma del Condado;  Ayuntamiento de Lepe; ADESVA (Centro Tecnológico de Alimentación); Ayuntamiento de Ayamonte; Consorcio Fernando de los Ríos, EU, Ualg; UTAD, Tertúlia Algarvia; Associação Empresarial da Região do Algarve (NERA) | Fernando Nunes, Fernanda Cosme | 2017-2019 | 124 881 €

IBERPHENOL - Red cooperativa de investigación en el ámbito de polifenoles y sus aplicaciones industriales

POCTEP | Univs Salamanca, Valladolid Vigo; Bodega Matarromera, UP; IPB; UC, UP, UTAD | Fernando Nunes, Fernanda Cosme, Alice Vilela, Vigílio Falco |2.244.828 € |2015-2019| 181 880, 78€|


NASPA-Natural fungicides against air & soil borne pathogens in the Atlantic Area.

INTERREG Atlantic Area 2020 Transnational Cooperation Programme | BIM/UTAD/34/2018 | |Alice Vilela, António Inês, Fernanda Cosme, Fernando Nunes | 2017- 2021| 290.007,05 €.


Arabic gum

UTAD, OENOPPIA |. Alice Vilela Fernanda Cosme |2018 | 5000,00€.


Dairy-4-Future: Propagating innovations for more resilient dairy farming in the Atlantic area.

European Commission (Bruxelas, Bélgica) UTAD | João Coutinho | 2018 – 2021 | 3 900 000 € CQVR: 42 000€.


Re-designing silk fibroin composites via freeze-casting.

Acção Integrada de Cooperação Científica e Técnica Luso-Francesa | Programa Pessoa (FCT) | 2017-2018 | Partenariats Hubert Curien (Campus France). Portuguese Institution and Principal Investigator: UTAD - Departamento de Química. Verónica de Zea Bermudez. UTAD: 3 000 €


Catalisadores complexos metálicos ancorados em nano materiais – síntese e aplicação de hidrocarbonetos (por O2) e reacções de hidro-isomerização

Cooperação FCT – Índia | UTAD | Gopal Mishra | 2013-2015.


Rational design of hybrid organic-inorganic interfaces: the next step towards advanced functional materials

7th Framework Programme | COST Action MP1202 | UA | UTAD | João Rocha and Verónica de Zea Bermudez | 2012-2016.

ReUseWaste - Recovery and Use of Nutrients, Energy and Organic Matter from Animal Wastes

FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN | U. Copenhaga, U. Sul da Dinamarca, ISA/UL, UTAD, U. Wageningen, U. Limerick, CEBAS-CSIC (Múrcia, Espanha), U. Torina | João Coutinho | 2012-2015 | 212 796 €.

Ionic liquid- and ionic liquid crystal-assisted formation of hybrid biomaterial scaffolds

Deutcher Akademischer Austauschdienst | UTAD | Verónica de Zea Bermudez | 2014-2015| € 4000

Integrated management of Phytoplasma Epidemics in Different Crop Systems

7th Framework Programme | COST Action FA0807 |University of Bologna  | UTAD | Ana Maria Nazaré Pereira, Aureliano Malheiro, Carlos Correia, José Moutinho Pereira, Anabela Silva, António Pirra, Vicente Sousa | 2009-2013).

Treatment of fruit and vegetable washing wastewater by solar-driven TiO2 magnetic photocatalyst (WatSolarCat).

7th Framework Programme |Solar Facilities for the European Research Area (SFERA) | CIEMAT-PSA and UTAD| José alcides Peres|. Junho-Julho 2013| 12.500 euros.


Substancias Poliméricas do Café Instantâneo

Projecto de Cooperação Científica entre Portugal e a Eslováquia| UTAD and Institute of Chemistry, SAS Bratislava Slovak|2013-2014 | 4000 €