The CQVR performs research in fundamental and applied areas of Chemistry. It aims to use scientific knowledge to the welfare of the society developing new advanced materials with improved performance for application in different devices, new solutions to match the agro-food industrial activity with a healthy environment, new food products and new food safety monitoring techniques.

Even though the research fields addressed by the CQVR researchers have a global impact, some of them have a special importance in the region being developed in collaboration with local companies, helping them to be more competitive in international markets.

The unit comprises 32 full members organized in four groups: materials chemistry, applied organic chemistry, environmental chemistry and food chemistry & biochemistry.


The unit was evaluated four times since its foundation and received each time the same evaluation: 2002 (Very Good), 2007 (Very Good) and 2013 (Very Good), 2019 (Very Good)

The unit is funded by FCT through the projects UIDB/00616/2020 ( and UIDP/00616/2020 (


Conditions for Integration in the CQ-VR

Result of the FCT Evaluation 2019

Painel Externo de Avaliação

Decreto Lei n 63_2019 (Establishes the legal framework for institutions dedicated to scientific research and development)

Despacho Normativo n 5_2019 (Approves the amendments to the Statutes of the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Annotated)